
I have a puppy named Mopsy. She’s almost 2 years old! She’s a mix between a shih tzu and a poodle; so basically a shitpoo XD She was originally all black. However, shih tzu change colors with in the first year, so now she’s some odd grey/black/brown color. She is extremely hairy and basically looks like a mop (hence her name).

Mopsy's when we first got her

Mopsy’s when we first got her

However, the real reason behind her name is that I was looking through old drawings I did and there was one scene I drew from Peter Rabbit. If you remember, the names of Peter’s sister were Flopsy, MOPSY, and Cottontail. So I basically named my dog after a rabbit :/ But it seemed fitting.

We got Mopsy just before my sophomore year started. My sister and I had been begging for years and years, but our parents kept saying no. They told us that taking care of a dog required lots of responsibility. Also, we could not continue to travel as much because the dog would need attention. Maya and I promised we would feed, clean, and walk the dog every day. We even agreed to stop traveling so much. Finally my mom caved, and then my dad. Now that we finally have the dog, Maya and I claim we’re far too busy to help out and our parents who have all the time in the world are stuck with the work.

The best thing about Mopsy is she always makes me smile no matter how sad I am. My sophomore year was rough, but I had Mopsy to help me through all of it. When I sat alone in my room crying, she would come running in and lick all the tears away. In return, I taught her to walk up and down the stairs, though she was absolutely terrified the entire time.

Mopsy is also a scaredy cat. She refuses to go outside into the grass unless someone comes with her, she barks at people if they’re crouched down (including me) because she thinks they’re an intruder, and her new fear is her favorite teddy bear because she tripped over it once and got hurt. One night Mopsy fell off the couch and hit her head on the title floor. My mom was the only other person in the room, so Mopsy truly believed that my mom was the cause of her pain. She would not go near my mom that entire week!

One of my favorite memories is when my friends and I went on a walk with Mopsy and Gandalf (another dog). We took them to the park and decided to put them on the baby swings. Mopsy absolutely loved it and enjoyed every second of being pushed back and forth. However, Gandalf hated it. He scratched and pawed at the air, begging to be taken out of the swing and put safely back on the ground.

Mopsy on the swing

Mopsy on the swing

My 2 years with Mopsy have probably been the best years of my life. I’m really glad we found her. I honestly couldn’t imagine life without her. I love everything about her, from the way she greets me when I come home to staying by my side when I’m sick. I look forward to the many more years I will spend with her.

Mopsy's current look. We had to cut her hair :(

Mopsy’s current look. We had to cut her hair 😦

6 thoughts on “Mopsy

  1. Mopsy is adorable!!!! I’m glad you finally got a dog and dont worry about the name; many people name their pets odd names. I cant believe you put your dog in a swing, but that is something you would do. She looks funny when you cut her fur, but my dog looks funny when we bathe her so i guess i cant talk.


  2. Oh my gosh, honestly this entire post is just adorable (shITPOO??? OH MY GOD AHAHA) Pets are honestly the best stress relievers there can be (although I shouldn’t really be one to talk, considering that I did give up my pet gerbil to… not so responsible people…). The stories you have with her are hilarious — I can’t believe she let you put her in a swing. Honestly, I would be terrified if I were a dog in a swing, so I have to say I probably relate more to Gandalf than Mopsy. 😉 You and Mopsy are my one true pairing #forlife, and I’m happy that you’ve found a way to be able to relax and be comforted. (Also thanks for letting me come over and coo over Mopsy because dang she’s cute.)


  3. You’re dog seems really cute!! It reminds me of my aunt and uncles dog who is very peppy. They have a wiener dog named pepper and he loves adventuring and brightening people’s days. Unfortunately I do not have a dog (even though I’ve always wanted one) and my aunt and uncle live too far for me to visit their pup, but at least I can read happy puppy stories like yours instead!


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  5. Your dog is hilarious and I love the Shitpoo name that you have given your dog. I really enjoyed reading this because it made me laugh from your Mopsy’s scared nature toward everything, especially your mom when she fell off the couch. Also I’m glad your dog was there to help you through hard times:)


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